Find The Answer To Your Symptoms
The GI Map Test
If you've gone to your doctor in attempt to resolve your gut issues but all your test results come back normal - that's not the end of the road.
The GI Map is a functional stool test that shows you exactly what's going on in your gut so you can finally have answers to what's causing your symptoms.
If you struggle with:
Chronic bloating
Irregular bowel movements (diarrhea/constipation)
Abdominal pain/cramping
Acid reflux/heartburn
Brain fog
Weight gain/weight loss
This test is a crucial part of your healing journey
Click here to learn more about how the GI Map test can help you get to the bottom on your symptoms and heal your gut.

Meet Your Nutritionist -Maryanne
Hey There, Welcome!
I am a Toronto-based Holistic Nutritionist specializing in gastrointestinal health. I've dedicated my practice to helping women just like you find the answer to what's causing their digestive symptoms so they can finally heal their gut for good!
I struggled with digestive issues for more then 10 years that had me look like I was 6-month pregnant after everything I ate, downing coffee and laxatives praying to have a morning bowel and felt like I was dragging myself through the day once 3 o’clock rolled around - I felt like a prisoner in my own body.
For years I worked with health professionals in attempt to get to the bottom of my symptoms but every test I ran came back normal and I was left back at square one again.
Functional testing was the breakthrough that helped me finally understand the symptoms I was experiencing and the steps I had to take to heal my gut.
You're an advocate for your own health and deserve to know what's going on in your body - no more guessing.

Gut Healing Mini Protocols

The GI Map Interpretation Package

Stay up to date with everything you need to know on your gut healing journey with our most recent blog